Zhizun Zhang's Blog

Get Financial Data

How to Get Financial Data from Web?


Tushare is an open source data API that mainly provide Chinese stock and macroeconomic data. The data API combines Shanghai Stock Exchange, Shenzhen Stock Exchange, Sina, and Tencent Financial News.

To use Tushare, we can simply do pip install tushare.

To access individual stock, one can do following,

import tushare as ts

ts.get_hist_data('600001') # 600001 is the ticker of the stock

More usage can be found at here.

Tushare Pro

Tushare ProTushare 最新的升级版,提供更快更稳定的数据支持。当前, Tushare Pro正处在数据转移中,很多数据暂时无法提供。

Tushare Pro需要用户注册并利用token接入其数据库。数据的使用免费,但有权限限制,权限通过参与活动等方式获得积分提升。

当前,Tushare Pro不支持分钟级数据提取。(20181013)


import tushare as ts
ts.set_token('your token')

pro = ts.pro_api() # initiate the api

# alternatively, you can do
pro = ts.pro_api('your token')

# to get daily price info
df = get_price(ts_code='600000.SH', start_date='20181009', end_date='20181010')

More usage can be found at here.


Pandas-datareader is a data API for global markets. It can be installed via pip install pandas-datareader. Note, in order to use pandas-datareader, we need to have Pandas installed.

Pandas-datareader uses different sources to get financial data, such as Google Finance, Yahoo Finance, etc.

For example, to access Apple stock via Google Finance, we can do

import pandas_datareader.data as web
import datetime

start = datetime.datetime(2010,1,1)
end = datetime.datetime(2018,1,1)
f = web.DataReader('AAPL','google',start,end)

Currently, Google Finance ia not stable. Other data access may be used.


Quandl provides both free and premium financial data.

If an API is provided (an url like this: https://www.quandl.com/api/v3/datasets/WIKI/FB/data.csv?api_key=YOURAPIKEYHERE , by substituting the api_key with your own API key), paste the url in a web browser, you can download the data directly from Quandl.


Wind数据提取有流量限制,达到限制后724小时后恢复。期间可以使用其他未达到流量的方法(e.g. 数据浏览器达到限制,可使用API或者 *Excel 插件)或者其他人账号。



Wind Windows版应用提供很强大的数据提取功能,可以直接在应用中查询数据并提取成 Excel。其中几个重要的单元如下:





Wind Excel插件

Wind Excel插件将以上功能整合进 Excel。但是单次query的量不可太大,过大的数据量会导致 Excel 停止响应。

Wind Python API

Wind Python API需要通过 Wind App安装。安装后可以直接通过脚本语言提取数据,具有方便快捷的特点。提取数据时的语句可以通过 Wind 代码提取器(WindNavigator.exe)获得。



Level 2

各大数据服务商均付费提供Level2交易数据。Level 2数据为公开数据,包括quotes,trades,stock info,order,transaction等信息。