Zhizun Zhang's Blog

Clutering in R

What is Clustering

In machine learning, there are types of problems, namely, regression and classification. Clustering is a major type of classification that separate data points into different aggreates or clusters.

A major feature of clustering is that it is unsupervised, which means no pre-defined label is needed. Instead, the algorithm will learn the similarity of data points based on some heuretics.

K-means Clustering

The most well known clustering method is K-means clustering. It partitions observations into clusters, where each observation belongs to the cluster with nearest mean. The partition process is done via minimizing the within-cluster sum of square (WCSS), i.e.,

where \( \mu_i \) is the mean of points in \( S_i \). Here, distance is measured as Euclidean distance. Other distance measures are also applicable.

Assume we have a training dataset name data1, which contains many rows and several columns (let’s assume these columns named y, x1, x2, etc. where y is a factor variable for classification; you can try some real datasets such as the famous iris dataset). Assume the test dataset name data2. We can build a clustering model as following,


# clustering
clustering <- kmeans(data1, 3, nstart=20)
freq_table <- table(clustering$cluster)


clustering$cluster <- as.factor(clustering$cluster)
ggplot(temp, aes(num.death, viol.quantity, color = clustering$cluster)) + geom_point()

Spectral Clustering

Unlike K-means, spectral clustering is to cluster data based on the connectivity, rather than the mean. Spectral clustering uses the similarity matrix between point to point to cluster the data points. The usual similarity measure is the Gaussian kernel with Euclidean distance. Once similarity matrix is determined, we can apply KNN to get a graph representation of the data points.

Now the clustering problem becomes a graph partition problem. Spectral clustering tries to construct a cluster where edges connecting nodes in different clusters with low weights and edges connecting nodes within the same cluster with high weights1.

require(kernlab) # package for the spectral clustering

sc.model <- specc(data1, centers=3)

plot(data1, col=sc.model, pch=4) # plot clusters


Clustering is a major unsupervised classification algorithm. Here, we present two specific ones, namely, K-means and spectral clustering. K-means clusters data points by minimizing WCSS. On the other hand, spectral clustering reduces the clustering problem to a graph partition problem. This guide serves a simple introduction to clustering algorithms.

Find more in 2 and 3.

  1. Joao Neto. Spectral Clustering. http://www.di.fc.ul.pt/~jpn/r/spectralclustering/spectralclustering.html 

  2. Spectral clustering详解. https://www.cnblogs.com/Leo_wl/p/3156049.html 

  3. Spectral clustering方法总结. https://blog.csdn.net/u010967291/article/details/53465645